The kids had "school" at their co-op today and wow did they have a blast!! We learned about Thanksgiving and read a few books...they each family brought part of the Thanksgiving day feast...
We were chosen to bring the cranberry sauce so my little man Rick helped make that before class...All we did was bring apple juice to a boil,pour in berries and watch them pop..which the kids got a kick out of...
Then in class the kids mashed their own potatoes,and butternut squash...added sugar and stirred the cranberry sauce, and they made their very own butter as well...
What a feast...
we had mashed potatoes,butternut squash,cranberry sauce (both kinds),rolls,turkey,butter and crackers,and a banana chocolate chip cake...
The kids also made hand print turkey's, a native American vest (made out of paper bads),and Native American head dress with paper feathers... The kids are going to wear them on thanksgiving...
That's so much fun, Jenn! Glad you are enjoying your co-op...